Our Service

Home Physiotherapy
Telemedicine Consultation
Home Examination Doctor
Other Home Services
Medical Tests at Home
Radiology Service at Home
Home Nursing

DoktorCare in Numbers


One Day Home Care


Home Visit


Service Providers



Our Clients’ Reviews

DoktorCare Features


Specialized health and medical care for chronic cases and the elderly

Customer First

Providing the appropriate service provider that suits the needs of the case to ensure best results

Modern Technology

Applying the latest technology and we initiated with our integrated digital platform

Standard Quality with Competitive Price

Acheiving the Balance to provide excellent services with affordable prices

Complete Medical File

A private and secure medical file to save the complete medical history electronically

Customer Care and Continuous Follow-up

Continuous follow-up of customers to provide all requirements and improve the quality of services

Outstanding Service Providers

A distinguished network of accredited service providers in Egypt and abroad

Advanced Organization

Special standards for service and subsequent guidance, coordination, and organization.

International Experience and Egyptian Competencies

Respecting local laws and culture to provide the best level of service .

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