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Home Physiotherapy Service from DoktorCare

Physiotherapy for the elderly at home is one of the most important medical services provided by DoktorCare because of the great importance it represents to the physical and psychological health of the patient and his family. Physiotherapy sessions are available at home for all medical conditions, especially the elderly, whether to help them move or for recovering after surgeries and stroke ( brain stroke), etc., Through a selection of the best experienced and highly qualified physiotherapists and consultants of both sexes, with the exclusive advantage of periodic follow-up and coordination between home physiotherapists and other service providers; Where we work as a comprehensive organization to coordinate health and integrated medical care services , especially for the elderly and chronic cases at home, and we are keen to follow up our customers for life to ensure a better life for the patient and his family.

As an integrated work team at Doktorcare, we strive to continuously improve the quality of services provided to achieve the best results and the highest levels of customer satisfaction.

Successful Physiotherapy plan

Physiotherapy is one of medicine branches and it has a great importance in treating the dysfunction of the body associated with a disability, disease or injury, or if you suffer from chronic pain, or recovering after injuries and surgeries, or if your condition calls for a physiotherapist at home*.

Physiotherapy at DoktorCare network is performed by a specialized doctor equipped with the latest devices to treat various cases, through a certain number of repeated sessions that are determined after visiting the patient, diagnosing his pathological condition, finding out the causes of injury and reviewing reports of his condition, then the appropriate treatment plan is developed for recovering to practice a normal life And maintain the vitality of the body.

A successful treatment plan can be divided into three equally important parts:

1. Determine the number of sessions and the method of treatment, either by using kinesiology and manual therapy, or exercise therapy, or electrotherapy using modern mobile devices to ensure speedy recovery, taking into account the health condition of the patient or the person receiving treatment.

2. It is necessary for the patient and those in charge of his care to adhere to the therapeutic exercises prescribed by a home physiotherapist within the program of physiotherapy sessions at home.

3. It is necessary for the patient and those in charge of his care to adhere to the general directions recommended by a physiotherapist at home regarding the patient’s activity and daily practices, for example if a home physiotherapist prevents the patient from carrying heavy weights or performing violent movements, then this must be adhered to.

Physiotherapy contributes to the treatment of arthritis, heart disease, muscular inflammation, and diseases affecting the spine and all bones of the body. It also contributes to slowing down the effect of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease on movement.

Why may many people need to request a physiotherapist at home?

There are many cases that cannot leave the house due to illness or the lack of capabilities and special equipment to move to a doctor or hospital, especially in the cases of the elderly due to the patient’s physical and psychological health, and the inability to bear waiting for long periods that may extend to hours in clinics, In order to avoid exposure to the risk of infection from other patients, in addition to the necessity of obtaining adequate rest before and after a physiotherapy session is important for many cases, hence the importance of doing physiotherapy sessions at home.

What are the duties of DoktorCare home physiotherapist?

The tasks of a home physiotherapist focus on restoring a person’s physical and psychological ability using various scientific methods such as kinesiology, manual therapy, exercise therapy, and electrotherapy using modern mobile devices to ensure a speedy recovery, taking into account the health condition of the patient or the person receiving treatment.

Usually the patient needs physiotherapy sessions after leaving a major operation or a fracture or as a treatment for chronic pain, and the orthopedist has a complementary relationship with the physiotherapist in determining the extent of improvement in the condition and its health status, and also plays a major role from the beginning in directing the patient to the necessity of doing physiotherapy sessions with a home physiotherapist.

What techniques does the doctor follow during home Physiotherapy sessions from DoktorCare?

Techniques that a home physiotherapist uses during home physiotherapy sessions include:

  1.  Manual therapy to help desensitize and relax muscles.
  2. Work with muscles, ligaments, and joints to maximize range of motion and function.
  3.  Moving and training muscles to restore strength and improve quality of life.
  4. Using different treatment methods such as heat that relaxes muscles and helps in improving blood circulation.
  5.  Pain relief and swelling control using cryotherapy methods.
  6.  Using ultrasound to help in tissue repair and healing.

What are the cases that need physiotherapy sessions at home?

Conditions that require an in-home physiotherapist include:

  • Stroke and paralysis of all kinds.
  • Recovering after surgeries.
  • Roughness and arthritis.
  • Recovering from spinal injuries.
  • Recovering from various injuries.
  • Neurological diseases.
  • Cases of cervical and lumbar disc herniation.

What is the importance of physiotherapy for the elderly at home?

With advancing age, the elderly need physiotherapy for reasons that may vary depending on the condition and the extent of its progression. The most important of these reasons are:

1. Preserving the vitality of the body in general, especially if the patient is confined or bedridden,

2. The elderly will be able to continue practicing their daily activities independently for as long as possible.

3. Recovering, whether for some simple matters, or after operations, or injuries, or after a loss of movement for a period of time as a result of illness.

4. Physiotherapy is an essential part of the patient’s treatment program in some cases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, MS, and stroke

The health condition of the elderly is taken into consediration while providing physiotherapy services for the elderly at home, because aging is accompanied by many other symptoms such as osteoporosis, arthritis and other diseases.

It is necessary for the physiotherapy treatment for the elderly to be at home, because many cases cannot go out due to the causes of illness and the physical and psychological health status, in addition to the necessity of obtaining a large amount of rest before and after the physiotherapy session at home provided by the best physiotherapists, which is what DoktorCare is keen on providing it and presenting it to our valued patients.

Is the service of having home physiotherapy sessions limited to the elderly only?

Physiotherapy is not only for the elderly, but it includes all cases at different ages that need physiotherapy, starting with children, and at DoktorCare, our doctors are distinguished by the ability and skill in dealing with various medical conditions and different stages of age.

What are the most prominent cases of the elderly that need sessions with a home physiotherapist?

1. Falls that happened to many elderly people to help them regain balance and movement.

2. Cases of those who have lost the ability to carry out normal daily life tasks, assisting them in restoring stability and psychological and physical independence, and training them to carry out their daily tasks.

3. Cases of osteoporosis and helping the elderly to regain strength and stability and improve conditions.

4. Training the elderly in cases of muscle control, such as controlling urine.

5. Cases of fractures such as hip fracture or replacement, where a home physiotherapist rehabilitates the physical health condition and works to restore confidence in movement.

6. Cases of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, where physiotherapy sessions at home seek to help the patient improving his ability to move and increase muscle strength. The sessions can also help him cope with the progression of the disease and give the patient a sense of more confidence, which positively affects the improvement of his walk and balance.

7. Cases of back and neck pain that many people suffer from due to improper exercise or improper sitting positions at work.

8. Cases of children with delayed growth, muscule atrophy and cerebral palsy, which are cases where a home physiotherapist can contribute to improving its conditions and helping in adapting to it.

9. Cases of heart diseases, where the physiotherapist can often treat cases that have heart problems, rehabilitate them, and improve their condition.

10. Physiotherapy helps in improving the pathological condition, relieving chronic pain, and preventing patients from reaching the stage of necessity for surgeries, and so on.

What is distinguishing home physiotherapy sessions from DoktorCare?

1. Being in your home in a comfortable family atmosphere to reduce the feeling of tension and give a sense of reassurance and psychological comfort that helps to receive the treatment program with a better spirit.

2. Providing effort, especially for cases that are required to be at home and not move outside, as well as saving the time needed to move and wait for hours in clinics and centers.

3. Ensure the complete privacy of the patient in his home because there are no others except the patient’s family and the doctor only, which helps in obtaining the treatment program in complete privacy and without any disturbance.

4. Prevention of infection with currently prevalent diseases or infection and transmission of viruses, especially in light of the Corona pandemic, which represents an imminent danger to many of our elderly relatives and the family as a whole, so obtaining home treatment sessions protects you from many diseases and ensures the preservation of your health.

5. Constant coordination and follow-up by DoktorCare team for the patient and his health condition continously.

What is DoktorCare responsibility and role towards society?

At DoktorCare, we strive to improve the quality of home health care in Egypt, to meet all the needs of our valued patients, especially the elderly, chronic cases and their families, and to ensure that they receive physiotherapy sessions at home anytime and anywhere, with the highest quality and best price, with a selection of the most skilled Doctors who specialize in the field.

* A physiotherapist must have a license to practice the profession from the Ministry of Health, and he must also be a member holding a membership card from the General Syndicate of Physiotherapy, then his title will be upgraded to a specialist then a consultant, with getting the necessary experience and academic certificates, but many people use the term “Physiotherapist” without realizing the reality of the titles, because the current law does not grant this title to physiotherapists, and therefore it is necessary to point out.

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    DoktorCare Features


    Specialized health and medical care for chronic cases and the elderly

    Customer First

    Providing the appropriate service provider that suits the needs of the case to ensure best results

    Modern Technology

    Applying the latest technology and we initiated with our integrated digital platform

    Standard Quality with Competitive Price

    Acheiving the Balance to provide excellent services with affordable prices

    Complete Medical File

    A private and secure medical file to save the complete medical history electronically

    Customer Care and Continuous Follow-up

    Continuous follow-up of customers to provide all requirements and improve the quality of services

    Outstanding Service Providers

    A distinguished network of accredited service providers in Egypt and abroad

    Advanced Organization

    Special standards for service and subsequent guidance, coordination, and organization

    International Experience and Egyptian Competencies

    Respecting local laws and culture to provide the best level of service